Love Revolution Music Program

We are excited about a new program that is starting soon at Love Revolution. We are partnering with individuals from San Juan de la Maguana, who as kids played together in a marching band. Many of them have moved away from San Juan and now live in Boston, New York and various other places. They understand how music impacted and changed their lives and they want to share that with the next generation. We have hired a teacher who is beginning to teach the kids to read music. Next semester they will take that knowledge and apply it by playing instruments. There are three ways you can give to this program:
Give Online
You can give a one time or recurring gift to specifically to the music program by clicking HERE.
Give by Check
Write checks to Love Revolution with Music Program in the Memo line.
Mail checks to:
4737 Willeva Dr
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Donation of
Contact our Executive Director,
Josh Wiggs at josh@loverevo.org